Freitag, 1. August 2014

Ben & Jerry's Taste & Tunes Tour 2014 in Düsseldorf (german)

Aloha zusammen!

Am Mittwoch den 30. Juli war es wieder so weit. Ben & Jerry's kam nach Düsseldorf, um das berühmte Eis frei Haus zu verteilen.

Die Lokation war Treibgut. Besser hätte es nicht sein können. Ich hatte ein sommerliches Outfit mit Römersandalen an und spürte auch den Sand unter meinen Füßen. Einen kleinen Pool gab es natürlich auch und nicht zu übersehen, ein riesengroßes "All or nutting" Ballon über dem Ben & Jerry's Tourwagen.
Alles sah sehr einladend aus und nachdem wir eine kurze Zeit gewartet hatten, wurden große Mengen an Eis an die hungrigen Sommermenschen verteilt.
Meine Schwester und ich hatten jeweils eine 250ml ! "All or nutting" Eis, Haselnuss- und Schokoladeneis mit Schokostücken und einem Kern von Nougat. So wie es sich anhört, hat es auch geschmeckt, vorallem der Nougatkern war überraschend und sehr lecker.
Da wir so viel Eis gegessen hatten, waren wir danach auch richtig satt und hatten unseren Schoko- und Zuckerverlangen für die nächsten Tage gedenkt. :)

Natürlich gab es auch einen Stand, wo man unterschiedliche Dinge erwerben konnte. Darunter waren z.B. ein Ben & Jerry's T-shirt, Kopfhörer etc. Die Buttons waren umsonst. Da muss man auch nicht lang überlegen, denn die Buttons sehen sehr süß aus (runterscrollen).
Für das T-shirt musste man auf Instagram ein Bild mit 150! Tags posten. Da unser Instagram immer das macht was er will, konnten wir einige Tags nicht hochladen. Fehlgeschlagen. Probiere es erneut.
Nein, es funktionierte nicht.
Während ich versucht hatte, #tasteandtunes zu posten, war meine Schwester mit dem (netten) Arbeiter am quatschen und wollte unbedingt einen T-shirt kriegen. Nachdem der Arbeiter, der aussah wie ein Surfer, uns als Zwilingsschwestern und Afghanerinnen geschätzt hatte und mit uns eine Weile geplaudert hatte, gab er nach. *g* Insgesamt hatten wir beide ja genügend Tags. Nur den einen Tag konnte ich nicht hochladen.
Wir versprachen ihm, dass wir #tasteandtunes noch posten werden und sogar einen Blogeintrag schreiben könnten. ;)

Ich bin immer wieder überrascht. Ben & Jerry's hat ein gutes Konzept und ist #fairtrade. Die comichaften Kühe in den Werbungen und die leckeren Eissorten verführen uns. Wir können da nicht widerstehen.
Ben & Jerry's ist einer meiner Lieblingseismarken, vielleicht sogar die Einzige.

Wir hatten so ein schönen sommerlichen Tag und ich freue mich immer wieder auf die Ben & Jerry's Tour. Wer weiß, vielleicht werde ich die Aktion "free hugs" nächstes Jahr nutzen.

Danke ! 

PS: Ihr habt selbst die Chance einen Ben & Jerry's T-shirt zu bekommen. Dafür müsst ihr drei verschiedene Ben & Jerry's Eisdeckel (500ml) sammeln und per Post senden !
Mit 3 dabei !  
Den Umschlag könnt ihr auf der Internetseite runterladen und ausdrucken.

peace love & ice cream , xoxo

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

Raw Bliss Balls

I know that it is a huuuuuuuuuge while ago since my last post but I have good news. After one week I will have more time because of my last exam on Tuesday. In that case I will be able to write frequently posts.Nevertheless, my instagram account is on-going where I post almost everyday food which I have prepared.
So, check it out!

I also posted the picture of these special raw choco treatments. I was craving something sweet, consisting of choco. So, I have decided to creat something NEW and without any recipe. It is my first own creation because I usually search for some recipes to prepare sweets etc. 

I call them Raw pralines because they really taste like the little chocolates in a box.


Raw pralines

Recipe ( 20 mini balls ) :

2 tbsp      cashew nuts (not salted)
1 tbsp      raw cacao powder
1/2 tbsp   cinnamon
4 tbsp      oats
1/2 tbsp   popped amaranth
2              medjool dates
2-3 tbsp   water

Blend first the cashews, cacao powder and cinnamon. Then add the medjool dates, amaranth and oats. Now add 2-3 tbsp water. You have to stir with a spoon before you blend again. It is up to you how many tablespoons water you add but be careful; if you add more water, it will be harder to form balls because with 2-3 tbsp water they have the perfect sticky concentrate. 
You can easily eat them with you fingers since they are somewhat dry on the surface.



Dienstag, 8. April 2014

Fluffy Pancakes for Breakfast

It is almost a month ago since the last post. What a shame! But I have to admit that I have many ideas for the next post and I will focus on some organisational matters for my blog. More information will be given in the following post.

Now, let's see what I have for you. I made some pancakes a few days ago and then I decided to put the recipe on my blog including the photos I took.

Fluffy Pancakes

Ingredients ( 4 servings ):

400 gr   flour
200 gr   sugar
400 ml   milk
4           eggs
100 ml   soda
1 pinch  salt 
vanilla sugar
cinnamon powder
oil or butter for the pan

First, you need 2 bowls and one small for putting your self-created mixed spices and put all the ingredients on your worktop to make the preparation easy. For creating the mixed spices you can use the spices listed above in the ingredients but you can also put other things, for example chilli. It is up to you :)

Now, put the flour, sugar and salt in a bowl. (I must inform you that I had not 400 gr flour, so I put about 100gr whole wheat flour. The pancakes got a different but great taste. So, you decide what flour you prefer.) Seperate the eggs by putting the egg yolk in the bowl with the flour while the egg white ends up in the other bowl. Take the bowl with the flour, sugar and salt, mix the dough while you add the milk until you get a viscous dough. 

After that, dedicate yourself to the bowl with the egg white and whisk the egg white till stiff. Gently fold the beaten egg white in the dough to make it fluffy. Put the soda and the mixed spices in the dough, as well. 

Finally, fry the pancakes in the pan. You will need some practice in order to create the perfect pancakes. Besides, you will decide how the pancakes should look. Do you like thin or thick pancakes?
I also needed a little bit time to make the pancakes look similar. 

You can also add some fruits and honey or whatever you like. I put a sliced banana with honey on the pancakes. I'm sure that you will know what you like and how you want to eat your pancakes. 

Now try and bon appétit ! :) 


Montag, 17. März 2014

B∆STILLE concert in Oberhausen

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What a concert! It was so unexpected...

On March 15, 2014 in Oberhausen the band Bastille showed the concert visitors that they are a damn great band. I was there with my friends and enjoyed every minute, except the situation in which some tall boys stood in front of us. You can imagine that we didn't really see so much of the band.
But then we grasped the nettle and asked kindly, if we could switch positions. Suprisingly, the boys let us move in front of them. Then, of course, we took so much pictures but unfortunately, only with our smartphones. What a pity!
Nevertheless, you should not complain about little things because in the end what matters is that you have enjoyed the time. And hell yes, I did, we did!
At first, I thought that they are pretty good but then the band left the stage. However, I was sure that they will come back, since they did not perform the most famous song 'Pompeii' and yes, I was right. They came and they set the house on fire !

Here are some photos I took at that night, including a picture of the setting, showing the queue for the toilet, of course for the girl, as the boys just had to pass by. Lucky you!

queue for the toilet 
the band Grizfolk, supporting act, they are pretty good!

Yes, his movements are unique and inimitable!

looks a little futuristic, don't know how my smartphone did this ! *laugh*

and the show with the lights and the triangle in the background  was amazing.

Later, they called the band Grizfolk to come on the stage. This was really fun because everyone celebrated this moment.

Sonntag, 2. März 2014

Instagoodies : special foodinstagoodies

As you might know, I am using instagram. It is really a good platform to post photos but also to search amazing, breathtaking pictures like pictures of nature.
Today's post is about my favourite instagram pictures which I have posted till I began using instagram. I uploaded mostly pictures about my breakfast or lunch I had. Then, I realised that I have to post more pictures about something else rather than about food all the time *laughing*.

This time I will show you some pics about the breakfasts I had. Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I am really focused to eat nutritiously and mostly healthy in the mornings.
But sometimes I am desired to eat sweets like peanut butter with marmelade and another sliced bread with honey.
As you might see, I would rather eat a sweet breakfast instead of a salty one. And I would rather skip a warm meal in order to get a delicious cake. It is like I am not getting older and still being a child who cannot live without eating sweets.
Nevertheless, you should eat marmelade and honey if you want to. You just have to compensate the sweets you ate with healthy food.
That's the secret of living a healthy live, I guess. :D

You see that I really prefer most of the times oatmeal with fruits. The first photo is noats porridge. It is really delicious and I can really recommend you to try it out. Since oatmeal is really healthy, especially if you eat it with fruits and maybe yogurt as well, you cannot start your day better than this. You feel very energised and active which is a good foundation to have a great day.

But what about a traditionally french breakfast like this? A croissant with marmelade, coffee and half of a banana. Yes, I cannot live a day without eating fruits.

Or what about a tradtionally turkish breakfast, since we usually eat big breakfasts at weekends. But it would be better eating such a breakfast in Turkey or at least in a turkish cafeteria. The atmosphere is really an important factor and I am sure that you will feel like being in that country. This feeling is priceless.

It is important to switch between breakfasts. That means that you should not always eat nutella or peanut butter. Just sometimes. It is good for you to get the vitamins out of different ingredients. In that case, just enjoy your breakfast in the morning and start the day with a smile.


Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

New Year, New Chances

I hope you are not angry with me, since my last post was published a while ago. My holiday was full of new experiences. I was a little bit puzzled but what can I say. Life was meant to be unpredictable. But what would it be like without such adventurous, surprising events?
In that case, my new motto is : New Year, New Chances. Do you agree with me? And yes, I have New Year's resolutions and I hope that I won't forget them.
The most important thing is to be happy. I'm really not an egoistic person but if you're happy, your friends will be as well. Your happiness will affect the people around you. If you always focus on the others, do whatever they want, in the end nobody will be happy because you can hardly satisfy a person. Then they will also not see you as an important person, they would rather hold you in low regard.

That's my second resolution. We are too afraid to do things, we aren't brave enough to risk things. We focus every time on the consequences. But why? We are humans who will always make faults. We are not perfect. There is no perfection. Don' t try to be like the society want to see you. It's your life and you are the only person who can decide what you do, what you want to do.
If you risk doing something, you will be lucky about it because later you will remember that you tried it. You will either laugh or appreciate what you've done. And I can really assure you this.
Of course, I also risk things and I don't regret it.
It also includes to see your life as a chance to make the best of it. Don't overthink every step you make. See your life as a bright rainbow. Yes, it sounds funny but if you really see the bright side of life, you will easily be happy.

But as you can assume I have also some common resolutions on my list like to be fit, do sports, eat healthy...
These are important facts which won't change during your life. If you live healthy, you will feel good about yourself. You do not need to eat healthy food every day cause you also need some junk food. You can't avoid bad things but try to reduce them as much as you can. We all won't be so young as now again as in future. 'Carpe diem' would now really fit here. It doesn't mean that you had to be active every second of your life. You should just appreciate every moment. Do one things each day that you will be proud of. 

I am a little bit philosophical today. *smile* I have to tell you that today is 10th January, 2014 and so many things has happened until now. It's up to you. These pictures I have posted on my blogpost are all taken from tumblr and I saved them on my mobile phone. It is really important to remember these statements. They do really change your life.

xoxo clover